“I Don’t Want to Exercise Today!”

We all have those days where we don’t want to workout and exercise 🤷🏽‍♀️ It’s a human nature to just want to sit and do nothing sometimes – this is okay!

But what can we do to ensure that on these days that we don’t want to actively workout, that we are still taking positive action to make progress towards our goals?

🚶🏼‍♀️ Go for a walk – If you still want to be active but in a less strenuous way, get yourself outside for some fresh air and a walk! You’d be surprised how much better you’ll feel for moving your body in a gentle way!

💃🏼 Have a boogie! – Dance away your tiredness! Get your favourite playlist on and have a little boogie to some of your favourite music to uplift your spirit and move your body in a loving way which doesn’t feel like a workout!

🍽 Cook a healthy meal – Just because you are missing one workout, doesn’t mean to say that this has to start impacting on the other areas of your life. Choose one of your favourite recipes and enjoy a scrummy, nutritious meal…

📝 Make a plan – Thinking about why you might not be wanting to workout is a really great consideration. If it because you haven’t worked out in a very long time so you’ve lost your motivation to ‘get up and go’? Have you been working out too much recently? Is work super busy? Are you getting enough sleep? Try to discover the underlying reason as to WHY you might not be wanting to work out today and make a plan to help combat this again in the future.

💤 Catch up on some Z’s – Maybe you don’t want to work out because you’re feeling really tired today – get to bed an hour earlier, switch that technology off in the evening and really embrace a full night’s sleep.

🧘🏽‍♀️ Do absolutely nothing! – You heard me correctly! Spend the day doing absolutely nothing but what takes your fancy! If we start getting into the mindset that we have to force ourselves to do a certain thing, like work out, then we will start to resent it. Just take some time to do nothing with a promise to yourself that you will try again tomorrow!

If you need some motivation or nutrition advice, book a chat with the team here > BOOK A CHAT


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