elite: Leeds’ Keeley Littlewood has smashed her 100lbs target… but she’s not stopping anytime soon!
Keeley Littlewoods, 43, originally wanted to lose 100lbs when she first joined elite: in April 2018, having smashed that in just 16 months, there is no stopping her now with a new goal of 130lbs!
Keeley knew she needed the help of the elite: Leeds Team after a careers charge, which left Keeley piling on the weight in her 30s and noticing a massive change in her fitness. This left Keeley (like most) trying various diets and routines to get her life back, Keeley had some success, but it was always unsustainable. Keeley always ended up putting the weight back on plus more. After first seeing an advert for elite: Leeds on social media Keeley knew it “sounded too good to be true”.
But after seeing a friend complete the elite: Transform challenge and rolling on to elite: Fusion, it gave her the push to sign up after seeing her incredible pictures.
In the beginning, Keeley was more worried about the diet, before transform Keeley used to snack a lot and enjoy fast food and sugary drinks! Keeley always thought she would never be able to stick to it but decided “if I cheated the plan I would only be cheating myself” she stuck at it and used spices and imagination to keep it interesting… and after refusing to eat peanut butter her whole life its now a favourite!
“As the days went on, I found myself feeling better and more energetic which encouraged me to continue. I knew the fitness would be hard, but the trainers were fantastic pushing me when needed but also giving me alternative exercises if I asked then seeing the losses on the scales every week just motivated me to carry on.”
The group training really helped Keeley along the way; “being in a group of people all doing the same programme seeing everyone achieve their goals and everyone being so supportive and friendly really does help, I have met some amazing people. The compliments I get from everyone about my journey really motivates me to keep going”.
“In my 20s, I was very active with a career in horse riding and travelling through Europe but after a change in careers and going to various gyms my fitness journey ended! Moving to a new house in my early 30s and sat in an office all day definitely had a massive impact on my fitness and for the past 7 years, my daily exercise was walking the dogs and throwing a ball.
It’s easy to stay motivated at elite: Leeds, the trainers and the constant new exercises keep things interesting and fun, and at home, it’s my husband who continues to support me and my 2 dogs 🙌.
After trying both meal plans, I personally liked the original one for being quick and easy to follow not really having to do much prep. However, the new plan is definitely tastier and easier to follow long term.
If I was to describe elite: in 3 words, I would say…
I would definitely recommend elite: to anyone, no matter how big or small your goal is. I’ve lost over 100lbs and only paid one transform fee! I have had amazing results following the programme it has been an educational experience learning so much about nutrition and fitness and changing my mindset making me a stronger person. This year I completed the Tough Mudder 10-mile Obstacles Course with 5 friends, whom of which I met at elite. This would have been something that would never have been possible or achievable before joining the team and the amazing trainers. Thank you elite: Leeds! Roll on the next Transform!” If you would like to follow in Keeley’s footsteps, get involved in our next intake by calling us on 0113 322 9644 or emailing leeds@elitetogether.com